
Ph.No: 0836-2372901

The purpose of Education is to help the individual to develop a well balanced personality as well as to help the child to acquire the knowledge, skills and emotions.

The main emphasis of the school in the past was limited to knowledge and skills but now we have to concentrate on the emotional development of the child along with knowledge and skills. It is the time to recognize the necessity of giving attention at the same time to the problems of personal as well as social adjustment of the individual. This has an impact on the bearing upon the effective of learning in school situations. The teacher of today needs to be trained with new technology and methods.

So the responsibility of preparing such teachers who shape the allround personality of child lies on the college of education. As one such colleges we are trying to train the teachers.

Our College Of Education is dedicated to train the teachers with its clear vision and mission.

I hearby welcome the novice to the field of teaching with warm wishes.